读书笔记: 深入Linux内核架构



<原文开始>网络子系统是内核中涉及面最广、要求最高的部分之一。为什么是这样呢?答案是,该子系统处理了大量特定于协议的细节和微妙之处,穿越各层的代码路径中有大量的函数指针,而没有直接的函数调用。这是不可避免的,因为各个层次有多种组合方式,这显然不会使代码路径变得更清楚或更易于跟踪。此外,其中涉及的数据结构通常彼此紧密关联。</原文结束> ## 2.6.3 <原文开始>However, if the sleeper has accumulated a large unfairness as indicated by a large se_vruntime value, the kernel must honor this. If se->vruntime is larger than the previously computed difference, it is kept as the vruntime of the process, which leads to a leftward placement on the red-black tree — recall that large vruntime values are good to schedule early! </原文结束> 这一段是不是写反了? 大的se_vruntime意味着不公平? 大的vruntime更容易被调度执行?