读书笔记: Akka in Action




<代码开始 lang="java"> class AccountBalanceRetriever(savingsAccounts: ActorRef, checkingAccounts: ActorRef, moneyMarketAccounts: ActorRef) extends Actor { implicit val timeout: Timeout = 100 milliseconds implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = context.dispatcher def receive = { case GetCustomerAccountBalances(id) => val futSavings = savingsAccounts ? GetCustomerAccountBalances(id) val futChecking = checkingAccounts ? GetCustomerAccountBalances(id) val futMM = moneyMarketAccounts ? GetCustomerAccountBalances(id) val futBalances = for { savings <- futSavings.mapTo[Option[List[(Long, BigDecimal)]]] checking <- futChecking.mapTo[Option[List[(Long, BigDecimal)]]] mm <- futMM.mapTo[Option[List[(Long, BigDecimal)]]] } yield AccountBalances(savings, checking, mm) futBalances map (sender ! _) } } </代码结束> 代码在 《effective scala》里摘的... 作为一个 bug 的例子。 <原文开始>The sender could have a completely different value at the time the callback is invoked.</原文结束> Future 的回调函数里的这个 sender 是一个变量而不是值,当回调函数触发时,sender 已经不是原来的 sender 了。 解法是使用 pipeTo 或者: val responder = sender futBalances.map(responder ! _) 简直跟 javascript 有一拼了,现在是多讨厌闭包。线上出一个这样的 bug 得怎么调试呢。